Bullying / Work problems Bullying in any form is very distressing. It can happen to the strongest people. It is not a sign of weakness, remember bullies are normally very skilled at bullying, they have been practicing their art for many years. You are just the latest victim. If you feel you are at the stage where you are not coping, call me, I can help.
Bullying / Work problemsBereavement and Loss Loss of anything, a loved one, a relationship, a pet can be very distressing. Sometimes the closest people around you are unable to understand how you feel. if you are feeling unable to cope with your loss, give me a call, I can help.
Bereavement and LossAnxiety Anxiety is on the increase in our busy hectic lives. There are many ways to reduce your anxiety such as meditation, deep breathing and changing your thoughts. If you would like to learn more, give me a call, I can help.
AnxietyRelationships Relationships can be tricky, there are always two sides, sometimes it is hard to look at both sides objectively. If you are struggling with a relationship and don't know how to move forward positively, call me, I can help.
RelationshipsPhobia's Phobia's are okay if they are not interfering in your day to day life. If your phobia is starting to take over and you are finding yourself adapting your life to fit around your phobia, come and talk to me, I can help.
Phobia'sHeart Vs Mind
The rhythm of life started with a small beat. It grew to a symphony, a magical feat.
It sang and it danced with joy in its heart. Nothing could spoil this magnificent start.
The mind of life began to stir. It woke with a start and a terrible blur.
Fear and anxiety lay all around, mind stopped the heartbeat from beating its sound.
Mind took command to lead the way. Heart stopped feeling and shied away.
For years mind searched high and low, too afraid of letting go.
Confused and exhausted mind felt alone, I have no feelings, I am dead like a stone.
Heart felt a stir, a small rhythm of light, it started to beat to help start the fight.
It said to the mind ‘don’t worry’, ‘I’m here’. Together, we can stop shedding a tear.
They plotted and planned and worked out a way. Neither mind nor heart led the light of the day.
Mind could now feel, and the heart could now see, that together, its them and not only me.